2024 Agenda

Managing Director, iQuest & Business Post
Director for Ireland, Women in Cyber Security (WiCyS) UK & Ireland
Minister for Social Protection, Rural and Community Development (invited)
Managing Director Talent Evolution Group, Cpl


This panel will bring together thought leaders, innovators and leaders to discuss accelerating female participation at senior levels in the public sector. They will explore how we can make it more attractive for women to join, and stay in the workforce; what more the government can do to get more women into leadership positions; what policies and initiatives are being implemented. They will also discuss how we can embrace equity to inspire all future women including those with disabilities, members of the LGBTQIA+ community, ethnic and religious groups as well as those from less well-off socio-economic backgrounds to reach leadership roles in the public sector.

Business Development Director, Irish Centre for Diversity (ICFD
ED&I Policy Lead, Department of Public Expenditure NDP Delivery & Reform (invited)


President & ProvostTrinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin

The panel will outline the educational programmes and initiatives designed to inspire, engage and encourage female participation from early childhood through primary, secondary and third level educational system. What is the vision for the type of education system required to prepare learners for the future? What are the challenges and inequities for young women accessing educational programmes? How is the higher education sector creating a more inclusive approach to the talent pipeline? What capacity building measures are needed to support teachers? What access programmes are available for students? 

The panel will also discuss how some companies are delivering on continuous learning and development opportunities for their employees and how these companies, whose education programs align with their business goals see increased retention, engagement and overall productivity. 

  • the role of educators in equipping girls and women to take on leadership roles 
  • modernising career guidance to be reflective of today’s job market
  • developing leadership skills for emerging female leaders
  • the value of employee continuing education


Director for Ireland, Women in Cyber Security (WiCyS) UK & Ireland
Commissioner, Financial services, financial stability and Capital Markets Union, European Commission

Women are significantly out-numbered by men in politics in Ireland. Gender quota legislation introduced prior to the 2016 General Elections resulted in a 6.5 percentage point increase in those elections from 15.7 per cent of seats held by women to 22.2 per cent. In the last election the increase in the number of women elected increased from 20.1 per cent to 23.9 per cent, a rise of just 3.8 percentage points! There is some progress but we need greater momentum.

This panel will discuss:

  • the various barriers to entry that exist for women
  • the measures already in place that are making an impact and any further policies and measures in legislation or otherwise that may be effective in increasing the amount of women who are attracted to politics as a career
  • gender quotas – are they working?
  • the culture of political parties and measures that can be taken by parties to increase female participation in politics
Strategic Partnership Lead & Corporate Social Responsibility Director at Business Post Media Group
Member of the Gender Equality Advisory Committee to the G7 and former MEP
Lynn Ruane, Independent Seantor, Seanad Eireann

The panel will discuss what technologies are driving government departments and agencies, local authorities and semi-state organisations; what data is providing the best insights and outcomes for its users and how ground-breaking changes and innovations are enhancing people’s personal and professional quality of life in areas such as life sciences, health, travel, finance, biopharmaceuticals and cyber security.


In this session we turn the spotlight on women leaders in the public service and hear some quick-fire presentations on their experiences.

Lorraine Smyth, e-Enablement and Digital Solution Management Change and Innovation, HSE

Ensuring the requisite leadership to secure a sustainable future for Ireland’s seafood industry

CEO, Bord Iascaigh Mhara (BIM),
Director for Ireland, Women in Cyber Security (WiCyS) UK & Ireland
Marie C Donnelly, Chairperson, Climate Change Advisory Council 

Topics include:

  • Being your own role model
  • How to amplify your voice
  • Harness the power of networks and networking to propel your career forward
  • How strategic connections are unlocking doors and creating opportunities like never before.

How can we encourage more men to take on the role of male champions of change?

Chairperson, Women on Air(invited)
Board Member, Women in Technology and Science (WITS), Agile Leadership Coach

Breda will discuss not only the reasons you should want that promotion, but also how to go about getting it. She coaches thousands of professional executive women every year helping them to upgrade and transform their careers and lives. Breda’s insights to mindset and emotional intelligence will help you to build up your confidence and support your journey from ambition to abundance.

Director for Ireland, Women in Cyber Security (WiCyS) UK & Ireland

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